Epion Therapeutics – Eyewire+

“What really makes the study unique is that we are treating the widest spectrum of disease.”

Transcript Below

Editor’s note - The following transcript has been lightly edited for clarity.

Michael W. Belin, MD:

Epion Therapeutics is currently in a Phase 3 FDA trial of epithelium-on cross-linking in keratoconus patients ages 8 to 45. What really makes the study unique is that we are treating the widest spectrum of disease. Because we are epithelium-on with a unique safety profile, we treat all the way from subclinical disease—in other words, where you have posterior ectasia but a normal anterior surface—all the way to advanced disease. Our extreme safety profile also allows us to treat simultaneous bilateral if both eyes qualify. We treat on diagnosis—very unique. We use standardized tomographic criteria for our entrance. It's a 12-month study. It's a one-to-one sham, but we do offer active treatment if we have documented progression. That can be either loss of best spectacle corrected vision or tomographic changes, and we offer active treatment at the end of the 12-month study to all patients who had not received active treatment. We have two studies with a total of 800 patients. The study started in October of 2023. To date, we have about 270 patients enrolled. We're doing extremely well, and we look to finish the study hopefully by the end of the year.


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